Entries by R. Kendall Lyman


In preparing for an engagement this week, I was reminded of this quote by George Bernard Shaw: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” I have coached a lot of leaders who are frustrated that they are not being heard. Several times, they have said in effect, “I […]


Last week, we were working with a client discussing their personal visions, how to lead teams, and their role as leaders in overcoming resistance to change. The word liminality came up, which is from the science of anthropology. Liminality is a state of transition between one stage and the next. How often do we find […]

Immunity to Change

Why is it that even when we know what to change, we still struggle making the change? Volumes have been written about that subject, and we’re still learning. Change is hard! It’s hard to close the knowing versus doing gap. In their well-researched book Immunity to Change, Kegan and Lahey use the analogy of an […]

Leading Through Transitions

“Our emotional wake determines the story that is told about each of us.” What great insight for leaders leading through transitions—personal, team, or organizational. If I were to ask those you lead to describe your emotional wake, what would they say? How leaders deal with change splashes on to those around them and impacts the […]

Change the Way You Listen

Is how you listen helping or hurting your leadership? A LinkedIn survey of nearly 14,000 employees around the world found that only 8% of employees reported that their mid- and senior-level leaders are practicing listening “very well.” Why? There are a lot of reasons. In one study conducted with 2,250 adults, Harvard psychologists Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel […]

2019 Emerald Literati Award

We are excited to win the 2019 Emerald Literati Award for our article (written with Tony Daloisio) entitled: “Looking to Manage Change Successfully? It is Dependent on Alignment at Every Level.” This was published in Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal. If you are interested, you can find it here:  https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/DLO-09-2017-0072/full/html

The Highlands Group signs new book deal with Greenleaf Book Group

We are excited to partner with Greenleaf Book Group to publish our new book Change the Way You Change. We are impressed with their capabilities, publishing model, and willingness to partner. This will enable us to bring years of change experience and research to more organizations interested in changing how they change successfully.   Greenleaf […]