Brian Whetten

Consulting Partner

By the age of 30, Brian had received a Ph.D. in computer science from UC Berkeley, raised $20 million for two high tech startups, become an internationally known academic and speaker, made and lost millions – and burnt out twice. He had gone from “being the one in high school that the chess team made fun of” to seemingly having it all. Yet he felt miserable. In the midst of an emotional and spiritual crisis, he began reaching out for help, and found his worldview shaken to its core. This led to six years of deep inner work and a M.A. in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica.

Today, Brian delights in doing business in a different, more conscious, more purpose filled way – and in helping others do the same. He specializes in supporting entrepreneurs and executives as they build companies that create both money and meaning. He writes the conscious business column for the Huffington Post; is the author of both Selling By Giving and the soon to be published Love Beyond Belief; and has appeared on programs as diverse as the NBC show Starting Over and the MIT CIO Symposium. He lives in Los Angeles, where he and his wife spend much of their time wondering how their daughter can be so cute.